

ज्यैष्ठः-03-15 ,धनुः-मूला🌛🌌 , मिथुनम्-आर्द्रा-03-08🌞🌌 , शुचिः-04-02🌞🪐 , शनिः

  • Indian civil date: 1946-04-01, Islamic: 1445-12-15 Ḏū al-Ḥijjah, 🌌🌞: सं- मिथुनम्, तं- आनि, म- मिथुनं, प- हाड़्ह, अ- आहार
  • संवत्सरः - क्रोधी
  • वर्षसङ्ख्या 🌛- शकाब्दः 1946, विक्रमाब्दः 2081, कलियुगे 5125

  • 🪐🌞ऋतुमानम् — ग्रीष्मऋतुः दक्षिणायनम्
  • 🌌🌞सौरमानम् — ग्रीष्मऋतुः उत्तरायणम्
  • 🌛चान्द्रमानम् — ग्रीष्मऋतुः ज्यैष्ठः (≈शुक्रः)


  • |🌞-🌛|तिथिः — पौर्णमासी►06:37; कृष्ण-प्रथमा►29:13!; कृष्ण-द्वितीया►
  • 🌌🌛नक्षत्रम् — मूला►17:52; पूर्वाषाढा► (धनुः)
  • 🌌🌞सौर-नक्षत्रम् — आर्द्रा►
    • राशि-मासः — ज्यैष्ठः►

  • 🌛+🌞योगः — शुक्लः►16:42; ब्राह्मः►
  • २|🌛-🌞|करणम् — बवम्►06:37; बालवम्►17:59; कौलवम्►29:13!; तैतिलम्►
  • 🌌🌛- चन्द्राष्टम-राशिः—वृषभः

  • 🌞-🪐 मूढग्रहाः - शुक्रः (-4.74° → -5.02°), बुधः (-8.80° → -9.91°)
  • 🌞-🪐 अमूढग्रहाः - गुरुः (24.85° → 25.58°), शनिः (101.71° → 102.66°), मङ्गलः (51.65° → 51.87°)

शनि — कुम्भः►. गुरु — वृषभः►. मङ्गल — मेषः►. शुक्र — मिथुनम्►. बुध — मिथुनम्►. राहु — मीनः►. केतु — कन्या►.


  • 🌅—05:47-12:11🌞-18:34🌇
चन्द्रः ⬆19:02
शनिः ⬇11:22 ⬆23:28
गुरुः ⬇16:43 ⬆03:59*
मङ्गलः ⬇14:47 ⬆02:19*
शुक्रः ⬆06:08 ⬇18:55
बुधः ⬆06:26 ⬇19:14
राहुः ⬇12:52 ⬆00:41*
केतुः ⬆12:52 ⬇00:41*

  • 🌞⚝भट्टभास्कर-मते वीर्यवन्तः— प्रातः—05:47-07:23; साङ्गवः—08:59-10:35; मध्याह्नः—12:11-13:46; अपराह्णः—15:22-16:58; सायाह्नः—18:34-19:58
  • 🌞⚝सायण-मते वीर्यवन्तः— प्रातः-मु॰1—05:47-06:38; प्रातः-मु॰2—06:38-07:29; साङ्गवः-मु॰2—09:12-10:03; पूर्वाह्णः-मु॰2—11:45-12:36; अपराह्णः-मु॰2—14:18-15:09; सायाह्नः-मु॰2—16:52-17:43; सायाह्नः-मु॰3—17:43-18:34
  • 🌞कालान्तरम्— ब्राह्मं मुहूर्तम्—04:17-05:02; मध्यरात्रिः—23:03-01:18

  • राहुकालः—08:59-10:35; यमघण्टः—13:46-15:22; गुलिककालः—05:47-07:23

  • शूलम्—प्राची (►09:12); परिहारः–दधि


  • अनध्यायः, अलर्मेल्मङ्गापुरे प्लवोत्सव-समापनम्, कबीरदास-जयन्ती, कृषि-पूर्णिमा, चापेकराभ्यां रण्ड-वधः #१२७, दिनक्षयः, पार्वण-प्रायश्चित्तावकाशः पौर्णमास्याम्, पूर्ण-स्थालीपाकः, पूर्णमासेष्टिः, पूर्णिमा-व्रतम्, राजपुत्रेभ्यो मालव-गुजरात-समर्पणम् #३१४, वट-पूर्णिमा/वट-सावित्री-व्रतम्, वेङ्कटाचले ज्येष्ठ-अभिद्येयकाभिषेकः (स्वर्ण-कवचम्)

अलर्मेल्मङ्गापुरे प्लवोत्सव-समापनम्

Observed on Paurṇamāsī tithi of Jyaiṣṭhaḥ (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).

Padmavati Devi is taken out on the plava (last three days).



Observed on Kr̥ṣṇa-Prathamā tithi of every (lunar) month (Sāṅgavaḥ/paraviddha).

Anadhyayana on account of prathamā. Several tithis in a month are nitya-anadhyayana days, including prathamā, aṣṭamī, chaturdaśī, amāvāsyā and pūrṇimā. Manu has said that performing adhyayana on these days destroys the Guru (Amavasya), Shishya (Chaturdashi) and the vīrya of the brahma (vēda) itself (Ashtami/Purnima). Similarly, Jabali Rishi has said that Adhyayana on prathama hurts the buddhi while adhyayana on chaturdaśī hurts the brahma (vēda) itself! Interestingly, Lord Hanuman also remarks while describing the condition of Sita Devi to the rest of the vanaras and Rkshas that she was frail by nature, had further grown emaciated, owing to separation from her beloved Shri Rama, much like the vidyā of a scholar continuing his studies on a pratipat!

प्रतिपत्सु चतुर्दश्यामष्टम्यां पर्वणोर्द्वयोः।
श्वोऽनध्यायेऽद्य शर्वर्यां नाधीयीत कदाचन॥
अमावास्या गुरुं हन्ति शिष्यं हन्ति चतुर्दशी।
ब्रह्माष्टकापौर्णमास्यस्तस्मात्ताः परिवर्जयेत्॥
नाधीयीत नरो नित्यमादावन्ते च पक्षयोः।
आदौ च हीयते बुद्धिरन्ते च ब्रह्म हीयते॥
पक्षादिः प्रतिपत्, पक्षान्तः चतुर्दशी॥
तथा रामायणे हनुमद्वचनम्—
सा प्रकृत्यैव तन्वङ्गी तद्वियोगाच्च कर्शिता।
प्रतिपत्पाठशीलस्य विद्येव तनुतां गता॥५-५९-३१॥


  • References
    • Smriti Muktaphalam SVR p. 148
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  • Tags: Anadhyayana Days

चापेकराभ्यां रण्ड-वधः #१२७

Event occured on 1897-06-22 (gregorian).

Chāpekar brothers killed W. C. Rand.

On 22 June 1897, the Diamond Jubilee of the coronation of Queen Victoria was celebrated in Pune. In his autobiography Damodar Hari writes that he believed the jubilee celebrations would cause Europeans of all ranks to go to the Government House, and give them the opportunity to kill Rand. The brothers Damodar Hari and Balkrishna Hari selected a spot of Ganeshkhind road, by side of a yellow bungalow to shoot at Rand. Each armed with a sword and a pistol. Balkrishna in addition carried a hatchet. They reached Ganeshkhind, they saw what looked like Rand’s carriage pass by, but they let it go, not being sure, deciding to attack him on his way back. They reached Government House at 7.00 – 7.30 in the evening, the sun had set and darkness began to set in. A large number of people had gathered to witness the spectacle at the Government House. There were bonfires on the hills. The swords and the hatchets they carried made movement without raising suspicion difficult, so they cached them under a stone culvert near the bungalow. As planned, Damodar Hari waited at the gate of the Government House, and as Rand’s carriage emerged, ran 10 – 15 paces behind it. As the carriage reached the yellow bungalow, Damodar made up the distance, and called out “Gondya ala re”, a predetermined signal for Balkrishna to take action. Damodar Hari undid the flap of the carriage, raised it and fired from a distance of about a span. It was originally planned that both would shoot at Rand, so as to ensure that Rand would not live, however Balkrishna Hari lagged behind and Rand’s carriage rolled on, Balkrishna Hari meanwhile on the suspicion that the occupants of the following carriage were whispering to each other, fired at the head of one of them from behind. Lieutenant Ayerst, Rand’s military escort who was riding in the following carriage died on the spot, Rand was taken to Sassoon Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries 3 July 1897.

Khando Vishnu Sathe on a cycle on his way back to Pune city shouted at a home “गणेश खिंडीत गणपती पावला हो !” (Ganpati of Ganesh Valley has favoured us!) From the window, Lokmanya Tilak appeared, smiled and closed the window.


That year, in spite of the plague, British were adamant to conduct Matric exams of the students (10/11th equivalent.) Angered by the rude and adamant behavior of the officers, the Chapekar brothers burned the exam canopy down to ashes. The British officers used to examine the ppl, especially women, publicly by removing their cloths and molesting them. Many women were raped and molested by these officers who were appointed “Just to examine”.



A day within which two consecutive tithis end is called dinakṣaya. On such days, dāna, japa, snāna, hōma yield many-fold puṇya. Such days are also good to propitiate the pitr̥-s, and for performing parāyaṇam of dhruvacharitam from śrīmadbhāgavatam etc.

स्मृतिमुक्ताफले वर्णाश्रमधर्मकाण्डे
व्यतीपाते वैधृतौ च दत्तमक्षयकृद् भवेत्।
द्वौ तिथ्यन्तावेकवारे यस्मिन् स स्याद् दिनक्षयः॥
तस्मिन् दानं जपो होमः स्नानं चैव फलप्रदम्॥
अयने विषुवे चैव व्यतीपाते दिनक्षये।
चन्द्रसूर्यग्रहे चैव दत्तं भवति चाक्षयम्॥

शतमिन्दुक्षये दानं सहस्रं तु दिनक्षये।
विषुवे दशसाहस्रं व्यतीपाते त्वनन्तकम्॥
दर्शे शतगुणं दानं तच्छतघ्नं दिनक्षये।

प्रयतः कीर्तयेत् प्रातः समवाये द्विजन्मनाम्।
सायं च पुण्यश्लोकस्य ध्रुवस्य चरितं महत्॥४८॥
पौर्णमास्यां सिनीवाल्यां द्वादश्यां श्रवणेऽथवा।
दिनक्षये व्यतीपाते सङ्क्रमेऽर्कदिनेऽपि वा॥४९॥
श्रावयेच्छ्रद्दधानानां तीर्थपादपदाश्रयः।
नेच्छंस्तत्रात्मनात्मानं सन्तुष्ट इति सिध्यति॥५०॥
—श्रीमद्भागवते ४-१२

कुर्यादपरपक्षीयं मासि प्रौष्ठपदे द्विजः।
श्राद्धं पित्रोर्यथावित्तं तद्बन्धूनां च वित्तवान्॥१९॥
अयने विषुवे कुर्याद् व्यतीपाते दिनक्षये।

त एते श्रेयसः काला नृणां श्रेयोविवर्धनाः।
कुर्यात्सर्वात्मनैतेषु श्रेयोऽमोघं तदायुषः॥२४॥
एषु स्‍नानं जपो होमो व्रतं देवद्विजार्चनम्।
पितृदेवनृभूतेभ्यो यद्दत्तं तद्ध्यनश्वरम्॥२५॥
—श्रीमद्भागवते ७-१४


  • References
    • Smriti Muktaphalam Varnashrama Dharma Kanda
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  • Tags: RareDays


Observed on Paurṇamāsī tithi of Jyaiṣṭhaḥ (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).

Danam of Padma Puranam. Also widely celebrated by farmers.



Observed on Paurṇamāsī tithi of Jyaiṣṭhaḥ (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).


पार्वण-प्रायश्चित्तावकाशः पौर्णमास्याम्

Observed on Kr̥ṣṇa-Prathamā tithi of every (lunar) month (Pūrvāhṇaḥ/puurvaviddha).

‘पर्वणि वा तिलभक्ष उपोष्य वा श्वोभूत उदकमुपस्पृश्य सावित्रीं प्राणायामशः सहस्रकृत्व आवर्तयेद् अप्राणायामशो वा’ इत्यापस्तम्बधर्मसूत्रेषु।



Observed on Kr̥ṣṇa-Prathamā tithi of every (lunar) month (Pūrvāhṇaḥ/puurvaviddha).



Observed on Paurṇamāsī tithi of every (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).

pūrṇimā vratam is commonly observed for Lord Satyanarayana.


राजपुत्रेभ्यो मालव-गुजरात-समर्पणम् #३१४

Event occured on 1710-06-22 (gregorian). Julian date was converted to Gregorian in this reckoning.

On this day, Jai Singh 2 of amber and ajit singh of mArvAr were invited to mogol court, honered and presented governership of mAlvA and gujarat by mogol emperor bahAdur shAh, ending their 2 year rebellion.

Context: Rathors under Durgadas had been fighting the Mughals for thirty years. Bahadur Shah, upon becoming emperor, started towards them. On the way, he removed removed Jai Singh of Amber from his post and made his younger brother Bijay Singh the Raja of Amber! As the neared mArvAr, Ajit Singh started negotiations after seeing the size of the Imperial army. Bahadur forced Ajit and Jai to march with him on his march to crush his brother’s rebellion (he could not come back till June 1710.). But, they escaped - and allied with amar singh 2 of mevAr. Then they started fighting, gaining victory after victory. The Rajput Rajas had formed military ouposts at Rewari and Narnaul, 45 miles from Delhi and sent their armies towards Delhi, Rohtaka and Agra to harass the Mughals. Jai Singh also started sending letters to the Bundelas, Sikhs and the Marathas in order to spread discontent in the country against the Mughals. The rise of Banda Singh Bahadur and death of the faujdar of Sarhind further caused fear in the Mughal court.



Observed on Kr̥ṣṇa-Prathamā tithi of every (lunar) month (Pūrvāhṇaḥ/puurvaviddha). sthālīpakaḥ is an important fortnightly ritual, involving the offering of haviṣyānna to agni, with the offering being cooked on the fire itself.


वेङ्कटाचले ज्येष्ठ-अभिद्येयकाभिषेकः (स्वर्ण-कवचम्)

Observed on Paurṇamāsī tithi of Jyaiṣṭhaḥ (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).

The Abhidhyeyaka Abhishekam festival, also known as Jyeshthabhishekam, is a celebration held annually in the auspicious month of Jyeshtha, aligning with the Jyeshtha star in the constellation. The term “Abhidhyeyakam” refers to a protective shield or armour, symbolizing the divine defense that the Lord assumes in this Kaliyuga to combat evil. This festival, celebrated over three days, centers around a special abhishekam performed for this sacred armour.

According to temple traditions, this Abhishekam is conducted to safeguard the Utsava deities of Lord Malayappa Swami and his consorts, Sridevi and Bhudevi. The purpose is to prevent any potential damage during various processions and holy baths (Tirumanjanam) throughout the year.

Each day of the festival, after the second bell, the deities are taken to the Kalyanotsava Mandapam situated in Sampangi Prakaram. Here, Snapana Tirumanjanam is performed, a ritual involving bathing the deities with consecrated water infused with spices, turmeric, sandal paste, honey, milk, and curd, accompanied by the chanting of Vedic mantras.

On each day, the Lord and his consorts are adorned in unique kavachams: The first day features the Vajrakavacham, a diamond-studded armour; the second day showcases the Muthyala kavacham, an armour studded with pearls; and the third day highlights the Svarna kavacham, a golden armour. The Svarna kavacham remains on the deities for the entire year and is only removed for the next Abhidhyeyaka Abhishekam.



Observed on Paurṇamāsī tithi of Jyaiṣṭhaḥ (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).

Perform puja of banyan tree; begets saumaṅgalyam and saubhāgyam.

नारी वा विधवा वाऽपि पुत्रीपुत्रविवर्जिता।
सभर्तृका सपुत्रा वा कुर्याद् व्रतमिदं शुभम्॥ (स्कान्दे धर्मवचनम्)
अवैधव्यं च सौभाग्यं देहि त्वं मम सुव्रते।
पुत्रान् पौत्रांश्च सौख्यं च गृहाणार्घ्यं नमोऽस्तु ते॥
वट सिञ्चामि ते मूलं सलिलैरमृतोपमैः।
यथा शाखाप्रशाखाभिर्वृद्धोऽसि त्वं महीतले।
तथा पुत्रैश्च पौत्रैश्च सम्पन्नं कुरु मां सदा॥
