For detailed examples and help, please see individual module files - especially test files in this package.
Installation or upgrade:
- Install the pyswisseph library specially as described in the contribution section.
- Install the jyotisha package
- (Prefer this to get the latest code:)
sudo pip install git+ -U
sudo pip install jyotisha -U
- (Prefer this to get the latest code:)
- Web.
Simple invocation
- The simplest way to invoke the code and generate calendars in a variety of forms (icalendar/ ics, tex [which can then be converted to pdf], markdown [which can then be presented as html]) is to use python invocations of the type seen in:
- tests such as those in jyotisha_tests/spatio_temporal/writer
- Calendar generation projects such as those under this folder - jyotisha/panchaanga/writer/generation_project
- Command line usage - can be invoked via some shell scripts at karthik’s panchaanga repo. But these often go out of date - so you might need to debug them. See this issue.
Sample code to output panchaanga
# Produce a panchaanga
from jyotisha.panchaanga.spatio_temporal import City, annual, periodical
from jyotisha.panchaanga.temporal import ComputationSystem
from jyotisha.panchaanga.temporal.time import Date
city = City('Chennai', "13:05:24", "80:16:12", "Asia/Calcutta")
panchaanga = annual.get_panchaanga_for_civil_year(city=city, year=2021, computation_system=ComputationSystem.TEST, allow_precomputed=False)
## Markdown
from jyotisha.panchaanga.writer import md
from import MdFile
md_file = MdFile(file_path="/some/")
md_file.dump_to_file(metadata={"title": str(2019)}, content=md.make_md(panchaanga=panchaanga), dry_run=False)
## Tex
from jyotisha.panchaanga.writer.tex.daily_tex_writer import emit
from indic_transliteration import sanscript
output_stream=open("/some/path.tex", 'w'), languages=["sa", "ta"], scripts=[sanscript.DEVANAGARI, sanscript.TAMIL])
## ICS
from jyotisha.panchaanga.writer import ics
ics_calendar = ics.compute_calendar(panchaanga)
ics.write_to_file(ics_calendar, "/some/path.ics")
Note that there are several “ComputationalSystem” options.
Please see jyotisha/panchaanga/temporal/ .
Particularly, lunar month assignment can be sidereal (luni-solar) or tropical, pUrNImAnta or amAnta.
One can also select the festival cateogries to enable or disable; pick a different “ayanAMsha” (for setting naxatra boundaries).
API usage
- Please look at the test cases - they are your best guide for how to do stuff like getting panchAnga for a day.
- Please see the generated python sphynx docs in one of the following places (jyotisha.panchanga.scripts package docs may be particularly relevant):
- readthedocs site
- under docs/_build/html/index.html
- REST API/ swagger web interface
- Deployments at vedavaapi - obsolete and unmaintained as of 2020.
Calendars produced
- See this site [To generate basic website locally, run
cd docs;bundle exec jekyll serve
] - includes some markdown → html and ics calendars.