

ज्यैष्ठः-03-06 ,कर्कटः-पुष्यः🌛🌌 , वृषभः-कृत्तिका-02-11🌞🌌 , शुक्रः-03-05🌞🪐 , गुरुः

  • Indian civil date: 1945-03-04, Islamic: 1444-11-05 Ḏū al-Qaʿdah, 🌌🌞: सं- वृषभः, तं- वैगासि, म- इटवं, प- जेठ, अ- जेठ
  • संवत्सरः - शोभनः
  • वर्षसङ्ख्या 🌛- शकाब्दः 1945, विक्रमाब्दः 2080, कलियुगे 5124

  • 🪐🌞ऋतुमानम् — ग्रीष्मऋतुः उत्तरायणम्
  • 🌌🌞सौरमानम् — वसन्तऋतुः उत्तरायणम्
  • 🌛चान्द्रमानम् — ग्रीष्मऋतुः ज्यैष्ठः (≈शुक्रः)


  • |🌞-🌛|तिथिः — शुक्ल-षष्ठी►29:20*; शुक्ल-सप्तमी►
  • 🌌🌛नक्षत्रम् — पुष्यः►17:52; आश्रेषा► (कर्कटः)
  • 🌌🌞सौर-नक्षत्रम् — कृत्तिका►20:41; रोहिणी►
    • राशि-मासः — वैशाखः►

  • 🌛+🌞योगः — वृद्धिः►18:04; ध्रुवः►
  • २|🌛-🌞|करणम् — कौलवम्►16:09; तैतिलम्►29:20*; गरजा►
  • 🌌🌛- चन्द्राष्टम-राशिः—धनुः
  • 🌞-🪐 अमूढग्रहाः - शुक्रः (-44.98° → -45.04°), बुधः (24.11° → 24.34°), गुरुः (31.70° → 32.44°), मङ्गलः (-58.93° → -58.54°), शनिः (86.82° → 87.74°)

शनि — कुम्भः►. गुरु — मेषः►. मङ्गल — कर्कटः►. शुक्र — मिथुनम्►. बुध — मेषः►. राहु — मेषः►. केतु — तुला►.


  • 🌅—05:45-12:05🌞-18:26🌇
चन्द्रः ⬆10:18 ⬇23:16
शनिः ⬇12:24 ⬆00:39*
गुरुः ⬇16:08 ⬆03:44*
मङ्गलः ⬆09:59 ⬇22:36
शुक्रः ⬆08:58 ⬇21:41
बुधः ⬇16:41 ⬆04:12*
राहुः ⬇16:10 ⬆03:45*
केतुः ⬆16:10 ⬇03:45*

  • 🌞⚝भट्टभास्कर-मते वीर्यवन्तः— प्रातः—05:45-07:20; साङ्गवः—08:55-10:30; मध्याह्नः—12:05-13:40; अपराह्णः—15:16-16:51; सायाह्नः—18:26-19:51
  • 🌞⚝सायण-मते वीर्यवन्तः— प्रातः-मु॰1—05:45-06:36; प्रातः-मु॰2—06:36-07:26; साङ्गवः-मु॰2—09:08-09:59; पूर्वाह्णः-मु॰2—11:40-12:31; अपराह्णः-मु॰2—14:12-15:03; सायाह्नः-मु॰2—16:44-17:35; सायाह्नः-मु॰3—17:35-18:26
  • 🌞कालान्तरम्— ब्राह्मं मुहूर्तम्—04:14-05:00; मध्यरात्रिः—22:57-01:13

  • राहुकालः—13:40-15:16; यमघण्टः—05:45-07:20; गुलिककालः—08:55-10:30

  • शूलम्—दक्षिणा (►14:12); परिहारः–तैलम्


  • आरण्य-गौरी-व्रतम्, काञ्ची ५० जगद्गुरु श्री-चन्द्रचूडेन्द्र सरस्वती २ आराधना #७२७, काञ्ची ६ जगद्गुरु श्री-शुद्धानन्देन्द्र सरस्वती आराधना #२१४७, गुरुपुष्य-योगः, नमिनन्दियडिगळ् नायऩ्मार् (२७) गुरुपूजै, रास-विहारी जातः #१३७, विन्ध्यावासिनी-देवी-पूजा, श्रीनिवासमङ्गापुरे साक्षात्कार-वैभवोत्सवः, षष्ठी-व्रतम्


Observed on Śukla-Ṣaṣṭhī tithi of Jyaiṣṭhaḥ (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).



Monthly Shashthi vratam for Lord Subrahmanya (Madhyāhna/puurvaviddha).

षष्ठ्यां फलाशनो राजन्विशेषात् कार्तिके नृप ॥
राज्यच्युतो विशेषेण स्वं राज्यं लभतेऽचिरात्॥१॥
षष्ठी तिथिर्महाराज सर्वदा सर्वकामदा॥
उपोष्या तु प्रयत्नेन सर्वकालं जयार्थिना॥२॥
कार्त्तिकेयस्य दयिता एषा षष्ठी महातिथिः।
देवसेनाधिपत्यं हि प्राप्तं तस्यां महात्मना॥३॥
अस्यां हि श्रेयसा युक्तो यस्मात्स्कन्दो भवाग्रणीः।
तस्मात्षष्ठ्यां नक्तभोजी प्राप्नुयादीप्सितं सदा॥४॥
दत्त्वाऽर्घ्यं कार्तिकेयाय स्थित्वा वै दक्षिणामुखः।
दध्ना घृतोदकैः पुष्पैर्मन्त्रेणानेन सुव्रत॥५॥
सप्तर्षिदारज स्कन्द स्वाहापतिसमुद्भव।
रुद्रार्यमाग्निज विभो गङ्गागर्भ नमोऽस्तु ते।
प्रीयतां देवसेनानीः सम्पादयतु हृद्गतम्॥६॥
दत्त्वा विप्राय चाऽऽत्मानं यच्चान्यदपि विद्यते।
पश्चाद्भुङ्क्ते त्वसौ रात्रौ भूमिं कृत्वा तु भाजनम्॥७॥
एवं षष्ठ्यां व्रतं स्नेहात्प्रोक्तं स्कन्देन यत्नतः।
तन्निबोध महाराज प्रोच्यमानं मयाऽखिलम्॥८॥
षष्ठ्यां यस्तु फलाहारो नक्ताहारो भविष्यति।
शुक्लाकृष्णासु नियतो ब्रह्मचारी समाहितः॥९॥
तस्य सिद्धिं धृतिं तुष्टिं राज्यमायुर्निरामयम्।
पारत्रिकं चैहिकं च दद्यात्स्कन्दो न संशयः॥१०॥
यो हि नक्तोपवासः स्यात्स नक्तेन व्रती भवेत्।
इह वाऽमुत्र सोऽत्यन्तं लभते ख्यातिमुत्तमाम्।
स्वर्गे च नियतं वासं लभते नात्र संशयः॥११॥
इह चाऽऽगत्य कालान्ते यथोक्तफलभाग्भवेत्।
देवानामपि वन्द्योऽसौ राज्ञां राजा भविष्यति॥१२॥
यश्चापि शृणुयात्कल्पं षष्ठ्याः कुरुकुलोद्वह।
तस्य सिद्धिस्तथा तुष्टिर्धृतिः स्यात्ख्यातिसम्भवा॥१३॥
॥इति श्रीभविष्ये महापुराणे शतार्धसाहस्र्यां संहितायां ब्राह्मेपर्वणि पञ्चमीकल्पे षष्ठीकल्पवर्णनं नाम एकोनचत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः॥



  • →17:52

When Pushya nakshatra falls on a Thursday, it is a special yōgaḥ. When Rohini nakshatra falls on a Saturday, it is a special yōgaḥ. In the cyclic rotation of time, along with the bad combinations of grahas and nakshatras that indicate the probability of upcoming difficulties, good combinations that grant benefits in multiples also arise. Among such good combinations are the Amrita Siddhi yogas of certain weekdays and nakshatras. They are Sunday-Hasta, Monday-Mrigashirsha, Tuesday-Ashvini, Wednesday-Anuradha, Thursday-Pushya, Friday-Revati, Saturday-Rohini. Good deeds performed on such yogas become especially strong in protecting and nourishing us. For instance, in Devi Atharvashirsha, it is said bhaumāśvinyāṁ mahādevī-sannidhau japtvā mahāmr̥tyuṁ tarati, that is, one can cross even mahāmr̥tyu by doing parayanam when Tuesday and Ashvini join.

आदित्यहस्ते गुरुपुष्ययोगे बुधानुराधा शनिरोहिणी च।
सोमे च सौम्यं भृगुरेवती च भौमाश्विनी चामृतसिद्धियोगाः॥


काञ्ची ५० जगद्गुरु श्री-चन्द्रचूडेन्द्र सरस्वती २ आराधना #७२७

Observed on Śukla-Ṣaṣṭhī tithi of Jyaiṣṭhaḥ (lunar) month (Aparāhṇaḥ/vyaapti). The event occurred in 4398 (Kali era).

Then the preceptor Chandracūḍa, son of Aruṇagiri, by name Gaṅgeśa (before initiation), governing the preceptorship for fifty years, He, avowed to the rigid worship of Lord Śiva, attained siddhi on the night of Śuklapakṣaṣaṣṭhi of the month Jyeṣṭa in the year Durmukhi. These two preceptors—Śrī Mahādeva and Śrī Jāhnavītirthas performed innumerable yāgas and attained siddhi on the banks of river Garuḍa (Kaḍilam).

गुरुवरपदम् अञ्चन् किञ्च पञ्चाशदब्दान्।
अभजदथ स सिद्धिं दुर्मुखिज्येष्ठषष्ठी-
निशि निशितशिवार्चानिष्ठितश्चन्द्रचूडः॥९७॥


काञ्ची ६ जगद्गुरु श्री-शुद्धानन्देन्द्र सरस्वती आराधना #२१४७

Observed on Śukla-Ṣaṣṭhī tithi of Jyaiṣṭhaḥ (lunar) month (Aparāhṇaḥ/vyaapti). The event occurred in 2978 (Kali era).

Śrī Viśvanātha, son of Vaidyabharva of Vedāraṇya, received initiation from sage Jñānānanda, became Śuddhānandamunīśvara was established in Kāñcī; having carried on the responsibilities of the preceptor for eighty-one years, he secured union on the sixth day of the bright fortnight in the year Nala.

वेदारण्यजवैद्यभर्वुतनयः श्रीविश्वनाथाभिधो
ज्ञानानन्दमुनेरवाप्य नियमं काञ्चीपदे स्थापितः।
शुद्धानन्दमुनीश्वरः स शरदः सैकामशीतिं धुराम्
आचार्यस्य वहन्नवाप च नलज्येष्ठाच्छषष्ठ्यां लयम्॥१३॥


नमिनन्दियडिगळ् नायऩ्मार् (२७) गुरुपूजै

Observed on Puṣyaḥ nakshatra of Vr̥ṣabhaḥ (sidereal solar) month (Prātaḥ/paraviddha).

Between the 6th and 9th centuries, in South India, there existed 63 ardent devotees of Lord Shiva, collectively known as the Nayanmars. These devout individuals, hailing from various walks of life including potters, fishermen, farmers, merchants, priests, hunters, and washermen, created devotional songs still sung by followers around the globe. Among these Nayanmars, Appar, Sambandar, and Sundarar, known for their Thevaram hymns, along with Manikkavasagar, are distinguished as the Samayacharyas or the ‘The Four’ (ta:nālvar) revered teachers of the faith. They were instrumental in promoting the Shaiva Siddhanta philosophy and culture, effectively challenging the spread of Jainism and Buddhism. Their teachings centered around the concept that Shiva embodies love, and that embracing love for all beings and existence is essential in connecting with Shiva, the Supreme Being.

Nami Nandi Adigal, a devout Brahmana from Emaperur in the Chola kingdom, dedicated his life to worshipping Lord Shiva in Tiruvarur. One day, driven by a desire to light numerous lamps in the temple as extolled in the Shiva Agamas, he sought ghee from a nearby house. However, the Jaina inhabitant mockingly suggested using water instead. Distressed, Nandi Adigal prayed to Lord Shiva and was divinely instructed to use water from a nearby tank for lighting the lamps. Miraculously, the lamps burned brightly with water, astonishing the Jainas and leading to a decline in Jainism as people turned to Shaivism.

Recognising his devotion, the Chola king appointed Nandi Adigal as the head of the temple. He zealously conducted the Panguni Uttaram festival at Tirumanali, drawing worshippers of all castes. One night, feeling unpurified by the contact with people of various castes, he hesitated to enter his home. As he waited for his wife to bring him water to bathe, he fell asleep and dreamt of Lord Shiva, who revealed that all born in Tiruvarur were His ganas! Awakening, Nandi Adigal narrated this story to his wife, and performed his worship. In the morning, he went back to Tiruvarur and saw that the people of Tiruvarur bore the form of Lord Shiva! As he prostrated to them, they all resumed their original forms — thus a divine Lila being enacted by the Lord.

Settling in Tiruvarur, Nandi Adigal devoted himself to serving the Lord and His devotees, earning praise as ‘Anipon’ (pure gold) from the Nayanmar Appar. He ultimately attained the sublime abode of Lord Shiva, exemplifying pure devotion and service.


  • References
    • 63 Nayanmar Saints by Swami Sivananda, published by The Divine Life Society
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  • Tags: NayanmarGurupujai

रास-विहारी जातः #१३७

Event occured on 1886-05-25 (gregorian).

Rash bihArI bose born. He was one of the key organisers of the Ghadar Mutiny, and later the Indian National Army (after escaping to Japan in 1915 when the mutiny failed). Rash Behari Bose handed over Indian National Army to Subhas Chandra Bose.



Observed on Śukla-Ṣaṣṭhī tithi of Jyaiṣṭhaḥ (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).


श्रीनिवासमङ्गापुरे साक्षात्कार-वैभवोत्सवः

Observed on Śukla-Ṣaṣṭhī tithi of Jyaiṣṭhaḥ (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).

The temple of Sri Kalyana Venkateswara Swamy, which has been a center of devotion from ancient times, once fell into disrepair. It was later renovated by Chinna Tirumalacharya, the grandson of Sri Tallapaka Annamacharya, as evidenced by an inscription dated March 22nd, 1510 CE at the temple’s entrance. Despite regaining its glory for several years, the temple again faced neglect in the 20th century.

In 1940, an Archaka named Sri Sundara Raja Swamy from Kanchi, inspired by a dream in which Sri Kalyana Venkateswara Swamy appeared, took it upon himself to clean the temple premises and resume regular pujas. He conveyed his dream to the villagers, narrating how Lord Venkateswara Swamy manifested in the dream and instructed him to restore the temple’s former splendor (Past Vaibhavam) by conducting Deepa Naivedya Aaradhana, after which the Lord vanished from the dream. On July 11, 1940, which was Ashada Shukla Paksha Shashti, Sundara Raja Swamy conducted a special puja, marking the day the deity revealed his divine form to devotees. This event led the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams to initiate the annual “Sakshatkara Vaibhavotsavams.”

“Sakshatkaram” refers to the deity’s holy appearance or Darshan. The Sakshatkara Vaibhavotsavam is a three-day festival that includes the day of the deity’s appearance (Ashada Suddha Shasti) and the days immediately before and after. The first day of the celebration includes a procession of the deity, Sri Kalyana Venkateswara Swamy, along with His consorts, on the Pedda Shesha Vahanam, from the temple to the Kalyana Mandapa, followed by Abhishekam and Unjal Seva in the evening. The second day features Hanumantha Vahana Seva, and the third day concludes with the Garuda Vahana Seva at night. These celebrations provide devotees the opportunity to witness the deity and receive blessings.
