

पौषः-10-01 ,मकरः-उत्तराषाढा🌛🌌 , धनुः-उत्तराषाढा-09-28🌞🌌 , सहस्यः-10-22🌞🪐 , शुक्रः

  • Indian civil date: 1945-10-22, Islamic: 1445-07-01 Rajab, 🌌🌞: सं- धनुः, तं- मार्गऴि, म- धनु, प- पोह, अ- पोह
  • संवत्सरः - शोभनः
  • वर्षसङ्ख्या 🌛- शकाब्दः 1945, विक्रमाब्दः 2080, कलियुगे 5124

  • 🪐🌞ऋतुमानम् — हेमन्तऋतुः उत्तरायणम्
  • 🌌🌞सौरमानम् — हेमन्तऋतुः दक्षिणायनम्
  • 🌛चान्द्रमानम् — हेमन्तऋतुः पौषः (≈सहस्यः)


  • |🌞-🌛|तिथिः — शुक्ल-प्रथमा►14:23; शुक्ल-द्वितीया►
  • 🌌🌛नक्षत्रम् — उत्तराषाढा►15:16; श्रवणः► (मकरः)
  • 🌌🌞सौर-नक्षत्रम् — उत्तराषाढा►
    • राशि-मासः — मार्गशीर्षः►

  • 🌛+🌞योगः — हर्षणः►14:01; वज्रम्►
  • २|🌛-🌞|करणम् — बवम्►14:23; बालवम्►24:48!; कौलवम्►
  • 🌌🌛- चन्द्राष्टम-राशिः—मिथुनम्

  • 🌞-🪐 मूढग्रहाः - मङ्गलः (15.76° → 16.02°)
  • 🌞-🪐 अमूढग्रहाः - शनिः (-42.99° → -42.07°), बुधः (23.44° → 23.45°), गुरुः (-104.53° → -103.55°), शुक्रः (35.20° → 34.99°)

शनि — कुम्भः►. गुरु — मेषः►. मङ्गल — धनुः►. शुक्र — वृश्चिकः►. बुध — धनुः►. राहु — मीनः►. केतु — कन्या►.


  • 🌅—06:38-12:16🌞-17:55🌇
चन्द्रः ⬆07:09 ⬇19:00
शनिः ⬆09:18 ⬇20:57
गुरुः ⬆12:45 ⬇01:08*
मङ्गलः ⬇16:45 ⬆05:31*
शुक्रः ⬇15:22 ⬆04:08*
बुधः ⬇16:12 ⬆04:58*
राहुः ⬆11:51 ⬇00:04*
केतुः ⬇11:51 ⬆00:04*

  • 🌞⚝भट्टभास्कर-मते वीर्यवन्तः— प्रातः—06:38-08:02; साङ्गवः—09:27-10:52; मध्याह्नः—12:16-13:41; अपराह्णः—15:06-16:31; सायाह्नः—17:55-19:31
  • 🌞⚝सायण-मते वीर्यवन्तः— प्रातः-मु॰1—06:38-07:23; प्रातः-मु॰2—07:23-08:08; साङ्गवः-मु॰2—09:38-10:24; पूर्वाह्णः-मु॰2—11:54-12:39; अपराह्णः-मु॰2—14:09-14:55; सायाह्नः-मु॰2—16:25-17:10; सायाह्नः-मु॰3—17:10-17:55
  • 🌞कालान्तरम्— ब्राह्मं मुहूर्तम्—04:56-05:47; मध्यरात्रिः—23:00-01:33

  • राहुकालः—10:52-12:16; यमघण्टः—15:06-16:31; गुलिककालः—08:02-09:27

  • शूलम्—प्रतीची (►11:09); परिहारः–गुडम्


  • अनध्यायः, कऱवैगळ् पिऩ्चॆऩ्ऱु, चन्द्र-दर्शनम्, दर्श-स्थालीपाकः, दर्शेष्टिः, पार्वण-प्रायश्चित्तावकाशः दर्शे, वडग्रामयुद्धम् #२४५, वाञ्छिनाथो हतः #९०, शम्भुराजो गोवाया निर्याति #३४०, सूर्यसेनो हतः #९०


Observed on Śukla-Prathamā tithi of every (lunar) month (Sāṅgavaḥ/paraviddha).

Anadhyayana on account of prathamā. Several tithis in a month are nitya-anadhyayana days, including prathamā, aṣṭamī, chaturdaśī, amāvāsyā and pūrṇimā. Manu has said that performing adhyayana on these days destroys the Guru (Amavasya), Shishya (Chaturdashi) and the vīrya of the brahma (vēda) itself (Ashtami/Purnima). Similarly, Jabali Rishi has said that Adhyayana on prathama hurts the buddhi while adhyayana on chaturdaśī hurts the brahma (vēda) itself! Interestingly, Lord Hanuman also remarks while describing the condition of Sita Devi to the rest of the vanaras and Rkshas that she was frail by nature, had further grown emaciated, owing to separation from her beloved Shri Rama, much like the vidyā of a scholar continuing his studies on a pratipat!

प्रतिपत्सु चतुर्दश्यामष्टम्यां पर्वणोर्द्वयोः।
श्वोऽनध्यायेऽद्य शर्वर्यां नाधीयीत कदाचन॥
अमावास्या गुरुं हन्ति शिष्यं हन्ति चतुर्दशी।
ब्रह्माष्टकापौर्णमास्यस्तस्मात्ताः परिवर्जयेत्॥
नाधीयीत नरो नित्यमादावन्ते च पक्षयोः।
आदौ च हीयते बुद्धिरन्ते च ब्रह्म हीयते॥
पक्षादिः प्रतिपत्, पक्षान्तः चतुर्दशी॥
तथा रामायणे हनुमद्वचनम्—
सा प्रकृत्यैव तन्वङ्गी तद्वियोगाच्च कर्शिता।
प्रतिपत्पाठशीलस्य विद्येव तनुतां गता॥५-५९-३१॥


  • References
    • Smriti Muktaphalam SVR p. 148
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  • Tags: Anadhyayana Days


  • 17:55→19:00

Have darshan of Moon today, chanting the following shloka

श्वेताम्बरः श्वेतविभूषणश्च
श्वेतद्युतिर्दण्डधरो द्विबाहुः।
चन्द्रोऽमृतात्मा वरदः किरीटी
मयि प्रसादं विदधातु देवः॥



Observed on Śukla-Prathamā tithi of every (lunar) month (Pūrvāhṇaḥ/puurvaviddha).


कऱवैगळ् पिऩ्चॆऩ्ऱु

Observed on day 28 of Dhanuḥ (sidereal solar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).

Offer naivedyam of dadhyōdanam to Vishnu, for Tiruppavai 28


पार्वण-प्रायश्चित्तावकाशः दर्शे

Observed on Śukla-Prathamā tithi of every (lunar) month (Pūrvāhṇaḥ/puurvaviddha).

‘पर्वणि वा तिलभक्ष उपोष्य वा श्वोभूत उदकमुपस्पृश्य सावित्रीं प्राणायामशः सहस्रकृत्व आवर्तयेद् अप्राणायामशो वा’ इत्यापस्तम्बधर्मसूत्रेषु।


सूर्यसेनो हतः #९०

Event occured on 1934-01-12 (gregorian).

Masterda Surya Sen (along with colleague Tarakeswar Dastidar) was killed by British (after severe torture) on this day. He led a group of revolutionaries on 18 April 1930 to raid the armoury of police and auxiliary forces from the Chittagong armoury - sadly that had failed.

While hiding, Netra Sen informed the British of his hiding place, and the police came and captured him in February 1933. Before Netra Sen could be rewarded by the British, a revolutionary came into his house and beheaded him with da (a long knife). As Netra Sen’s wife was a big supporter of Surya Sen, she never disclosed the name of the revolutionary who killed Netra Sen.


शम्भुराजो गोवाया निर्याति #३४०

Event occured on 1684-01-12 (gregorian). Julian date was converted to Gregorian in this reckoning.

When Sambhaji learnt of Muazzam’s arrival to Ramghat, he withdrew all his forces to Raigad on 2 January 1684.

Context: After having laying waste to the outer districts of Salcete and Bardez the Marathas and had started closing in to the Islands of Goa. The viceroy was concerned that if the things remain unchanged, Sambhaji would soon lay siege to the island of Goa. During this time, Muzzam was pillaging through the Maratha territory, as he made his approach towards Sambhaji.

Local corpse-cultists believe that the viceroy went to the body of St. Francis Xavier, in the Bom Jesus church in the City of Goa, and placed his scepter on the dead saint’s hand and prayed for his grace to avert the Maratha threat. This led to an annual Goan celebration by them.



Observed on Śukla-Prathamā tithi of every (lunar) month (Pūrvāhṇaḥ/puurvaviddha). sthālīpakaḥ is an important fortnightly ritual, involving the offering of haviṣyānna to agni, with the offering being cooked on the fire itself.


वाञ्छिनाथो हतः #९०

Event occured on 1934-01-12 (gregorian).

On this day, vAnchinathan Iyer, inspired by Subramaniam Aiyar and armed by Va Ve Su Iyer accomplice of nIlakaNTha brahmachAri of bhAratamAta-sangha with a gun sent by sAvarkar’s accompalice Madam Cama of Paris Indian Society, shot dead a mlecCha collector Robert Ashe (who had successfully harrassed VO Chidambaram Pillai’s Swadeshi Steam Navigation Company) before killing himself (after pushing away his peon Khadar bAdshAh). His letter:

  • I dedicate my life as a small contribution to my motherland. I am alone responsible for this.
  • The mlechas of England having captured our country, tread over the sanathana dharma of the Hindus and destroy them. Every Indian is trying to drive out the English and get swarajyam and restore sanathana dharma. Our Raman, Sivaji, Krishnan, Guru Govindan, Arjuna ruled our land protecting all dharmas, but in this land, they are making arrangements to crown George V, a mlecha, and one who eats the flesh of cows.
  • Three thousand Madrasees have taken a vow to kill George V as soon as he lands in our country. In order to make others know our intention, I who am the least in the company, have done this deed this day. This is what everyone in Hindustan should consider it as his duty.
  • I will kill Ashe, whose arrival here is to celebrate the crowning of cow-eater King George V in this glorious land which was once ruled by great samrats. This I do to make them understand the fate of those who cherish the thought of enslaving this sacred land.
  • I, as the least of them, wish to warn George by killing Ashe.
  • Vande Mataram. Vande Mataram. Vande Mataram
  • sd/-, R. Vanchi Aiyar, Shencottah


वडग्रामयुद्धम् #२४५

Event occured on 1779-01-12 (gregorian).

British East India Company’s troops (3.9k, with 600 Europeans), together with raghunAth rAv’s troops (few more thousands), forced to retreat from their attack by marATha-s under nAnA faDnavIs, were cut off at Vadgaon and forced to surrender. Excellent tactics (including scorched earth policy) were employed.

Unfortunately, nAnA faDnavIs, let the surrendered soldiers go. British Governor-General in Bengal, Warren Hastings, rejected the treaty; and marATha-s were again in trouble after the death of nAna.
