

वैशाखः-02-12 ,कन्या-चित्रा🌛🌌 , वृषभः-कृत्तिका-02-07🌞🌌 , माधवः-02-31🌞🪐 , सोमः

  • Indian civil date: 1946-02-30, Islamic: 1445-11-12 Ḏū al-Qaʿdah, 🌌🌞: सं- वृषभः, तं- वैगासि, म- इटवं, प- जेठ, अ- जेठ
  • संवत्सरः - क्रोधी
  • वर्षसङ्ख्या 🌛- शकाब्दः 1946, विक्रमाब्दः 2081, कलियुगे 5125

  • 🪐🌞ऋतुमानम् — वसन्तऋतुः उत्तरायणम्
  • 🌌🌞सौरमानम् — वसन्तऋतुः उत्तरायणम्
  • 🌛चान्द्रमानम् — वसन्तऋतुः वैशाखः (≈माधवः)


  • |🌞-🌛|तिथिः — शुक्ल-द्वादशी►15:59; शुक्ल-त्रयोदशी►
  • 🌌🌛नक्षत्रम् — चित्रा►29:44!; स्वाती► (तुला)
  • 🌌🌞सौर-नक्षत्रम् — कृत्तिका►
    • राशि-मासः — वैशाखः►

  • 🌛+🌞योगः — सिद्धिः►12:07; व्यतीपातः►
  • २|🌛-🌞|करणम् — बालवम्►15:59; कौलवम्►28:53!; तैतिलम्►
  • 🌌🌛- चन्द्राष्टम-राशिः—मीनः

  • 🌞-🪐 मूढग्रहाः - गुरुः (0.89° → 1.62°), शुक्रः (4.22° → 3.95°)
  • 🌞-🪐 अमूढग्रहाः - बुधः (23.77° → 23.29°), शनिः (71.41° → 72.31°), मङ्गलः (44.66° → 44.87°)

शनि — कुम्भः►. गुरु — वृषभः►. मङ्गल — मीनः►. शुक्र — वृषभः►. बुध — मेषः►. राहु — मीनः►. केतु — कन्या►.


  • 🌅—05:45-12:05🌞-18:25🌇
चन्द्रः ⬆15:51 ⬇03:53*
शनिः ⬇13:26 ⬆01:33*
गुरुः ⬇18:19 ⬆05:39*
मङ्गलः ⬇15:16 ⬆03:04*
शुक्रः ⬇18:07 ⬆05:30*
बुधः ⬇16:43 ⬆04:18*
राहुः ⬇15:09 ⬆02:57*
केतुः ⬆15:09 ⬇02:57*

  • 🌞⚝भट्टभास्कर-मते वीर्यवन्तः— प्रातः—05:45-07:20; साङ्गवः—08:55-10:30; मध्याह्नः—12:05-13:40; अपराह्णः—15:15-16:50; सायाह्नः—18:25-19:50
  • 🌞⚝सायण-मते वीर्यवन्तः— प्रातः-मु॰1—05:45-06:36; प्रातः-मु॰2—06:36-07:27; साङ्गवः-मु॰2—09:08-09:59; पूर्वाह्णः-मु॰2—11:40-12:30; अपराह्णः-मु॰2—14:12-15:02; सायाह्नः-मु॰2—16:43-17:34; सायाह्नः-मु॰3—17:34-18:25
  • 🌞कालान्तरम्— ब्राह्मं मुहूर्तम्—04:15-05:00; मध्यरात्रिः—22:57-01:13

  • राहुकालः—07:20-08:55; यमघण्टः—10:30-12:05; गुलिककालः—13:40-15:15

  • शूलम्—प्राची (►09:08); परिहारः–दधि


  • अनध्यायः, गिरिजा-विवाहः, तैमूरेण देहली-ग्रहणम् #६२६, परशुराम-द्वादशी, मधुसूदन-पूजा, रुक्मिणी-द्वादशी, वङ्गे सेन्दिअ-क्षेत्रे मरुसैन्य-विप्लवः #५३, व्यतीपात-श्राद्धम्, शुक्र-मासः/ग्रीष्मऋतुः, सायन-रवि-सङ्क्रमण-पुण्यकालः, सायन-षडशीति-पुण्यकालः, सायन-सङ्क्रमण-दिन-अपराह्ण-पुण्यकालः, सोम-प्रदोष-व्रतम्


Anadhyayana during the day/night, as it precedes saṅkramaṇa tonight. When saṅkramaṇa happens in the night, the previous and next day (daylight time) are anadhyayana. If saṅkramaṇa happens in the night, the previous and next nights are anadhyayana.

पूर्वश्चोर्ध्वमनध्यायमहः सङ्क्रमणे निशि।
दिवा पूर्वोत्तरा रात्रिरिति वेदविदो विदुः॥


  • References
    • Smriti Muktaphalam SVR p. 162
  • Edit config file
  • Tags: Anadhyayana Days


Observed on Śukla-Dvādaśī tithi of Vaiśākhaḥ (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).



Observed on Śukla-Dvādaśī tithi of Vaiśākhaḥ (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).

वैशाखमासि द्वादश्यां पूजयेन्मधुसूदनम्।
अग्निष्टोममवाप्नोति सोमलोकं च गच्छति॥ (महाभारते दानधर्मे)



Observed on Śukla-Dvādaśī tithi of Vaiśākhaḥ (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).

वैशाखशुक्लैकादश्यामुपोष्य सौवर्णं परशुरामं सम्पूज्य
द्वादश्यां ब्राह्मणाय दद्यादिति बोधायनः।
वैशाखे सितपक्षे च एकादश्यां नराधिप।
स्वर्णेन निर्मितं परशुरामं सम्पूज्य यत्नतः॥
द्वादश्यामुदये स्नात्वा समभ्यर्च्य पुनः पुनः।
दद्याद् विप्राय राजेन्द्र सर्वसम्पत्समृद्धये॥



Observed on Śukla-Dvādaśī tithi of Vaiśākhaḥ (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).



sāyana-ṣaḍaśīti-puṇyakāla. For ṣaḍaśīti-puṇyakāla, the 60 ghatikas succeeding the saṅkramaṇa form a puṇyakāla; in general, the ghatikas closer to the puṇyakāla are even more sacred.

While the nirayana puṇyakāla-s are well known, marked by the transit of the Sun into various rāśī-s (which confer the name to the corresponding saura month), there are also ayana-s and sāyana saṅkramaṇa-s, which mark the position of the Sun above the Northern or Southern parts of the Earth. These determine the r̥tu-s, and also the very famous uttarāyaṇa and dakṣināyana (movement of the Sun towards North or South, respectively). While these two types of puṇyakāla-s (sāyana and nirayana) coincided millennia ago, there has been a gradual precession of the equinoxes, owing to the nature of the Earth’s rotation, causing the sāyana saṅkramaṇa-s to happen about 24 days before the nirayana saṅkramaṇa-s. In that era, uttarāyaṇa coincided with makara-saṅkramaṇa and dakṣināyana coincided with karkaṭaka-saṅkramaṇa, and the mēsa and tulā saṅkramaṇa-s corresponded to the equinoxes, when the Sun rises direct East (and sets direct West).

Many Dharma Shastra texts recognise the separate puṇyakāla-s for both types of saṅkramaṇa-s. The vachanam of Jaabaali Maharshi is mentioned above, where he says that the puṇyakāla-s are identical (in their reckoning) for both types of saṅkramaṇa-s. In the Pulastya Siddhanta, the anushthanas which are to be performed in this sayana punya kala just like nirayana are explicitly stated: snāna, dāna, japa, śrāddha, vrata, hōma, etc. In Kala Madhava, which is considered as the source text of the kala vicharas of the Dikshitiya, it is said in the 5th prakarana that, meṣādi-saṅkrāntayo yasmin dine bhavanti tasmād dināt pūrvebhyaḥ ekādaśabhyo dinebhyaḥ prācīne dine, noting that Sayana Sankramanas occurred ~11 days before the day when the Mesha Sankramanas etc occur. Further references are seen in Dharma Sindhu first pariccheda, Jayasimha Kalpadruma sankranti nirnaya and Nirnaya Sindhu first pariccheda. There are also ample references in Vedas, illustrating how Ayana-s happened much later (in certain other eras), e.g. Shukla Yajur Veda Shatapatha Brahmana (Ekapaat Kanda 1/2/3), Nakshatra Sukta belonging to the Atharva Veda (Shaunaka Samhita 19/7/2), Maitrayaniya Aranyaka (6/14), and Taittiriya Brahmana (1/5/2).

For a wonderfully detailed exposition on the topic, see https://sites.google.com/view/nakshatradarsha/dakshinayana-en and https://sites.google.com/view/nakshatradarsha/uttarayana-en .

सङ्क्रान्तिस्नानाकरणे प्रत्यवायमाह शातातपः—
सूर्यसङ्क्रमणे पुण्ये न स्नायाद्यदि मानवः।
सप्तजन्मसु रोगी स्याद् दुःखभागी च जायते॥
सङ्क्रान्त्यां यानि दत्तानि हव्यकव्यानि मानवैः।
तानि तस्य ददात्यर्कः सप्तजन्मसु निश्चितम्॥
—वैद्यनाथ-दीक्षितीये स्मृतिमुक्ताफले आह्निक-काण्डः (पूर्वभागः)
षडशीत्यां तु यद्दत्तं यद्दत्तं विषुवद्वये।
दृश्यते सागरस्यान्तस्तस्यान्तो नैव दृश्यते॥
षडशीत्यामतीतायां षष्टिरुक्तास्तु नाडिकाः॥
या याः सन्निहिता नाड्यस्तास्ताः पुण्यतमाः स्मृताः॥
—वैद्यनाथ-दीक्षितीये स्मृतिमुक्ताफले आह्निक-काण्डः (पूर्वभागः)
सङ्क्रान्तिषु यथा कालस्तदीयेऽप्ययने तथा।
अयनांश-संस्कृतो भानुः नाले चरति सर्वदा।
अमुख्या राशिसङ्क्रान्तिः तुल्यः कालविधिस्तयोः।
सुकृतं चल-सङ्क्रान्तौ अक्षयं पुरुषोऽश्नुते॥


  • References
    • Smriti Muktaphalam SVR p. 267
  • Edit config file
  • Tags: SunSankranti CommonFestivals


  • 12:05→18:25

16 ghatikas on either side of the transition of the Sun are sacred for various observances. In addition to specific puṇyakālas like ṣaḍaśīti, viṣṇupadī etc., this is also useful, especially in cases where the other puṇyakālas are inconvenient for appropriate performance of rituals such as snāna, dāna, tarpaṇa, etc.

While the nirayana puṇyakāla-s are well known, marked by the transit of the Sun into various rāśī-s (which confer the name to the corresponding saura month), there are also ayana-s and sāyana saṅkramaṇa-s, which mark the position of the Sun above the Northern or Southern parts of the Earth. These determine the r̥tu-s, and also the very famous uttarāyaṇa and dakṣināyana (movement of the Sun towards North or South, respectively). While these two types of puṇyakāla-s (sāyana and nirayana) coincided millennia ago, there has been a gradual precession of the equinoxes, owing to the nature of the Earth’s rotation, causing the sāyana saṅkramaṇa-s to happen about 24 days before the nirayana saṅkramaṇa-s. In that era, uttarāyaṇa coincided with makara-saṅkramaṇa and dakṣināyana coincided with karkaṭaka-saṅkramaṇa, and the mēsa and tulā saṅkramaṇa-s corresponded to the equinoxes, when the Sun rises direct East (and sets direct West).

Many Dharma Shastra texts recognise the separate puṇyakāla-s for both types of saṅkramaṇa-s. The vachanam of Jaabaali Maharshi is mentioned above, where he says that the puṇyakāla-s are identical (in their reckoning) for both types of saṅkramaṇa-s. In the Pulastya Siddhanta, the anushthanas which are to be performed in this sayana punya kala just like nirayana are explicitly stated: snāna, dāna, japa, śrāddha, vrata, hōma, etc. In Kala Madhava, which is considered as the source text of the kala vicharas of the Dikshitiya, it is said in the 5th prakarana that, meṣādi-saṅkrāntayo yasmin dine bhavanti tasmād dināt pūrvebhyaḥ ekādaśabhyo dinebhyaḥ prācīne dine, noting that Sayana Sankramanas occurred ~11 days before the day when the Mesha Sankramanas etc occur. Further references are seen in Dharma Sindhu first pariccheda, Jayasimha Kalpadruma sankranti nirnaya and Nirnaya Sindhu first pariccheda. There are also ample references in Vedas, illustrating how Ayana-s happened much later (in certain other eras), e.g. Shukla Yajur Veda Shatapatha Brahmana (Ekapaat Kanda 1/2/3), Nakshatra Sukta belonging to the Atharva Veda (Shaunaka Samhita 19/7/2), Maitrayaniya Aranyaka (6/14), and Taittiriya Brahmana (1/5/2).

For a wonderfully detailed exposition on the topic, see https://sites.google.com/view/nakshatradarsha/dakshinayana-en and https://sites.google.com/view/nakshatradarsha/uttarayana-en .

सङ्क्रान्तिषु यथा कालस्तदीयेऽप्ययने तथा।
अयनांश-संस्कृतो भानुः नाले चरति सर्वदा।
अमुख्या राशिसङ्क्रान्तिः तुल्यः कालविधिस्तयोः।
सुकृतं चल-सङ्क्रान्तौ अक्षयं पुरुषोऽश्नुते॥



  • 12:05→18:25

When the transit of the Sun (saṅkrānti) happens in the second half of the day (aparāhṇa) and before midnight, the second half of the day form a puṇyakāla for various observances. In addition to 16 ghatikas on either side of the transition, and specific puṇyakālas like ṣaḍaśīti, viṣṇupadī etc., this is also useful, especially in cases where the other puṇyakālas are inconvenient for appropriate performance of rituals such as snāna, dāna, tarpaṇa, etc.

While the nirayana puṇyakāla-s are well known, marked by the transit of the Sun into various rāśī-s (which confer the name to the corresponding saura month), there are also ayana-s and sāyana saṅkramaṇa-s, which mark the position of the Sun above the Northern or Southern parts of the Earth. These determine the r̥tu-s, and also the very famous uttarāyaṇa and dakṣināyana (movement of the Sun towards North or South, respectively). While these two types of puṇyakāla-s (sāyana and nirayana) coincided millennia ago, there has been a gradual precession of the equinoxes, owing to the nature of the Earth’s rotation, causing the sāyana saṅkramaṇa-s to happen about 24 days before the nirayana saṅkramaṇa-s. In that era, uttarāyaṇa coincided with makara-saṅkramaṇa and dakṣināyana coincided with karkaṭaka-saṅkramaṇa, and the mēsa and tulā saṅkramaṇa-s corresponded to the equinoxes, when the Sun rises direct East (and sets direct West).

Many Dharma Shastra texts recognise the separate puṇyakāla-s for both types of saṅkramaṇa-s. The vachanam of Jaabaali Maharshi is mentioned above, where he says that the puṇyakāla-s are identical (in their reckoning) for both types of saṅkramaṇa-s. In the Pulastya Siddhanta, the anushthanas which are to be performed in this sayana punya kala just like nirayana are explicitly stated: snāna, dāna, japa, śrāddha, vrata, hōma, etc. In Kala Madhava, which is considered as the source text of the kala vicharas of the Dikshitiya, it is said in the 5th prakarana that, meṣādi-saṅkrāntayo yasmin dine bhavanti tasmād dināt pūrvebhyaḥ ekādaśabhyo dinebhyaḥ prācīne dine, noting that Sayana Sankramanas occurred ~11 days before the day when the Mesha Sankramanas etc occur. Further references are seen in Dharma Sindhu first pariccheda, Jayasimha Kalpadruma sankranti nirnaya and Nirnaya Sindhu first pariccheda. There are also ample references in Vedas, illustrating how Ayana-s happened much later (in certain other eras), e.g. Shukla Yajur Veda Shatapatha Brahmana (Ekapaat Kanda 1/2/3), Nakshatra Sukta belonging to the Atharva Veda (Shaunaka Samhita 19/7/2), Maitrayaniya Aranyaka (6/14), and Taittiriya Brahmana (1/5/2).

For a wonderfully detailed exposition on the topic, see https://sites.google.com/view/nakshatradarsha/dakshinayana-en and https://sites.google.com/view/nakshatradarsha/uttarayana-en .

सङ्क्रान्तिषु यथा कालस्तदीयेऽप्ययने तथा।
अयनांश-संस्कृतो भानुः नाले चरति सर्वदा।
अमुख्या राशिसङ्क्रान्तिः तुल्यः कालविधिस्तयोः।
सुकृतं चल-सङ्क्रान्तौ अक्षयं पुरुषोऽश्नुते॥



  • 18:25→19:50

Pradosha Vratam. Fast during the day and perform śivapūjā in Pradosha Kala. Pradosha vratam is even more special, when if falls on a Monday, which is already a special day for śivārādhanam.

प्रदोषे शिवपूजां तु ये कुर्याच्छ्रद्धया युताः।
न भवेत् तस्य दारिद्र्यं जन्मान्तरशतेष्वपि॥
त्रयोदश्यां दिवा स्थित्वा निराहारो महेश्वर।
नक्तं भोक्ष्यामि देवेश त्राहि मां कृपया हर॥

विश्वं विष्णू रुद्र विश्वाधिकोऽसि
यज्ञो विष्णुस्त्वं तु राजाध्वराणाम्।
श्रीशस्वर्णाद्री आत्महस्ताग्रसंस्थौ
श्रीकण्ठोऽव्याद् देवताब्राह्मणोऽस्मान्॥
हालाहलं हर नियम्य परानियाम्यं
सर्वान् सुरान् सपदि यः स्वनतानरक्षत्।
दृप्तानशिक्षत पुनर्युधि दक्षयज्ञे
स त्वं प्रभुः पशुपतिः प्रभुलक्षणोऽव्याः॥
गङ्गा धृता न भवता शिव पावनीति
नास्वादितो मधुर इत्यपि कालकूटः।
संरक्षणाय जगतां करुणातिरेकात्
कर्मद्वयं कलितमेतदनन्यसाध्यम्॥
गङ्गा धृता त्वयेशान गङ्गादर्पोऽपि नाशितः।
भगीरथानुग्रहार्थं लोकासम्भेदहेतवे॥


तैमूरेण देहली-ग्रहणम् #६२६

Event occured on 1398-05-20 (gregorian). Julian date was converted to Gregorian in this reckoning.

On this day, Taimur routed the tughlaq army. He then entered delhi and massacred hindus.

Events (via MT)

Timur triumphantly marched into Delhi and the Ulema begged him to spare the lives of the Moslems. He asked them to proclaim him the exalted sultan of Hindustan. The Hindus seeing that they faced a brutal death revolted enmasse and were slaughtered with much fury in the fierce fighting that broke out through the streets of Delhi. Four pyramids of the heads of slaughtered Hindus were set up in the four corner of Delhi and only the qualified craftsmen were bound and sent off in slave trains to Samarqand.

Any Moslems who failed to give Timur’s troops their supplies were also forthwith roasted like Kebobs.

Timur spent 15 days in Delhi solemnly occupying the throne of Delhi declaring himself emperor of India. He summoned 120 elephants and made them bow their heads and kneel before him in obeisance and trumpet in unison. He felt that it marked the submission of Hindustan itself at the feet of the world conqueror. He then sent off the elephants in long strings to the Herat, Tabriz, Shiraz and Samarqand. The treasury was taken by Timur and in one stroke the wealth that the Moslem rulers had robbed from Indians over two centuries, comprising of incalculable amounts of gold, silver and gems.

He then performed his Islamic prayers in the old Jami Masjid, placed a cleric from Bokhara as its Imam and had him read the Friday Namaz in his name. Finally on January 1, 1399 when the stench of the corpses made his stay impossible, he ordered his troops to burn down Delhi, except for the Moslem quarters, and proceeded to attack Meerut.


Timur was on his way to India from the Tughlaqs, who had weakened.


वङ्गे सेन्दिअ-क्षेत्रे मरुसैन्य-विप्लवः #५३

Event occured on 1971-05-20 (gregorian).

Pakistani army with local Islamists massacre Hindus in Bengal at Sendia, Galimpur, Chuknagar



Observed on every occurrence of Vyatīpātaḥ yoga (Aparāhṇaḥ/vyaapti).

Vyatipata Shraddha day.

अमा पातश्च सङ्क्रान्तिस्तथा वैधृतिरेव च।
अष्टकाश्चैव मन्वादिर्युगादिश्च महालयः॥
चन्द्रसूर्योपरागश्च गजच्छाया तथैव च।
द्रव्यब्राह्मणसम्पत्तिः श्राद्धकालाः प्रकीर्तिताः॥
—स्मृतिमुक्ताफले श्राद्धकाण्डे उत्तरभागे

अयने विषुवे चैव व्यतीपाते च दिनक्षये।
चन्द्रसूर्यग्रहे चैव दत्तं भवति चाक्षयम्॥
व्यतीपाते वैधृतौ च दत्तमक्षयकृद् भवेत्।
द्वौ तिथ्यन्तावेकवारे यस्मिन् स स्याद् दिनक्षयः॥
तस्मिन् दानं जपो होमः स्नानं चैव फलप्रदम्॥

शतमिन्दुक्षये दानं सहस्रं तु दिनक्षये।
विषुवे दशसाहस्रं व्यतीपाते त्वनन्तकम्॥
दर्शे शतगुणं दानं तच्छतघ्नं दिनक्षये।
शतघ्नं तस्य सङ्क्रान्तौ शतघ्नं विषुवे तथा॥
युगादौ तच्छतगुणमयने तच्छताहृतम्।
सोमग्रहे तच्छतघ्नं तच्छतघ्नं रविग्रहे॥
असङ्ख्येयं व्यतीपाते दानं वेदविदो विदुः।

प्रयतः कीर्तयेत् प्रातः समवाये द्विजन्मनाम्।
सायं च पुण्यश्लोकस्य ध्रुवस्य चरितं महत्॥४८॥
पौर्णमास्यां सिनीवाल्यां द्वादश्यां श्रवणेऽथवा।
दिनक्षये व्यतीपाते सङ्क्रमेऽर्कदिनेऽपि वा॥४९॥
श्रावयेच्छ्रद्दधानानां तीर्थपादपदाश्रयः।
नेच्छंस्तत्रात्मनात्मानं सन्तुष्ट इति सिध्यति॥५०॥
—श्रीमद्भागवते ४-१२

कुर्यादपरपक्षीयं मासि प्रौष्ठपदे द्विजः।
श्राद्धं पित्रोर्यथावित्तं तद्बन्धूनां च वित्तवान्॥१९॥
अयने विषुवे कुर्याद् व्यतीपाते दिनक्षये।
त एते श्रेयसः काला नृणां श्रेयोविवर्धनाः।
कुर्यात्सर्वात्मनैतेषु श्रेयोऽमोघं तदायुषः॥२४॥
एषु स्‍नानं जपो होमो व्रतं देवद्विजार्चनम्।
पितृदेवनृभूतेभ्यो यद्दत्तं तद्ध्यनश्वरम्॥२५॥
—श्रीमद्भागवते ७-१४


  • References
    • Smriti Muktaphalam
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  • Tags: MonthlyShraddhaDays ShannavatiTarpanaDays


  • 18:29→

Beginning of śukra-māsa, marked by the transit of Sun into the 3rd division of the tropical zodiac. Also marks the beginning of grīṣmar̥tuḥ. While nirayana saṅkrānti’s are widely observed, tropical saṅkrānti’s are also equally sacred, and have similar puṇyakālas associated with them.

सङ्क्रान्तिस्नानाकरणे प्रत्यवायमाह शातातपः—
सूर्यसङ्क्रमणे पुण्ये न स्नायाद्यदि मानवः।
सप्तजन्मसु रोगी स्याद् दुःखभागी च जायते॥
सङ्क्रान्त्यां यानि दत्तानि हव्यकव्यानि मानवैः।
तानि तस्य ददात्यर्कः सप्तजन्मसु निश्चितम्॥
—वैद्यनाथ-दीक्षितीये स्मृतिमुक्ताफले आह्निक-काण्डः (पूर्वभागः)

मधुश्च माधवश्च वासन्तिकावृतू
शुक्रश्च शुचिश्च ग्रैष्मावृतू
नभश्च नभस्यश्च वार्‌षिकावृतू
इषश्चोर्जश्च शारदावृतू
सहश्च सहस्यश्च हैमन्तिकावृतू
तपश्च तपस्यश्च शैशिरावृतू
—तैत्तिरीय-संहितायां ४-४-११


  • References
    • Smriti Muktaphalam SVR p. 267
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  • Tags: SunSankranti CommonFestivals