

श्रावणः-05-28 ,कर्कटः-पुष्यः🌛🌌 , सिंहः-पूर्वफल्गुनी-05-15🌞🌌 , नभस्यः-06-09🌞🪐 , शनिः

  • Indian civil date: 1946-06-09, Islamic: 1446-02-25 Ṣafar, 🌌🌞: सं- सिंहः, तं- आवणि, म- चिङ्ङं, प- भादों, अ- भाद
  • संवत्सरः - क्रोधी
  • वर्षसङ्ख्या 🌛- शकाब्दः 1946, विक्रमाब्दः 2081, कलियुगे 5125

  • 🪐🌞ऋतुमानम् — वर्षऋतुः दक्षिणायनम्
  • 🌌🌞सौरमानम् — वर्षऋतुः दक्षिणायनम्
  • 🌛चान्द्रमानम् — वर्षऋतुः श्रावणः (≈नभः)


  • |🌞-🌛|तिथिः — कृष्ण-त्रयोदशी►27:41!; कृष्ण-चतुर्दशी►
  • 🌌🌛नक्षत्रम् — पुष्यः►19:37; आश्रेषा► (कर्कटः)
  • 🌌🌞सौर-नक्षत्रम् — पूर्वफल्गुनी►
    • राशि-मासः — श्रावणः►

  • 🌛+🌞योगः — वरीयान्►17:33; परिघः►
  • २|🌛-🌞|करणम् — गरजा►15:00; वणिजा►27:41!; भद्रा►
  • 🌌🌛- चन्द्राष्टम-राशिः—धनुः
  • 🌞-🪐 अमूढग्रहाः - गुरुः (79.20° → 80.05°), मङ्गलः (71.04° → 71.39°), शनिः (171.46° → 172.50°), शुक्रः (-23.68° → -23.94°), बुधः (16.39° → 16.99°)

शनि — कुम्भः►. गुरु — वृषभः►. मङ्गल — मिथुनम्►. शुक्र — कन्या►. बुध — कर्कटः►. राहु — मीनः►. केतु — कन्या►.


  • 🌅—06:01-12:09🌞-18:16🌇
चन्द्रः ⬇16:32 ⬆04:22*
शनिः ⬇06:36 ⬆18:43
गुरुः ⬇13:03 ⬆00:16*
मङ्गलः ⬇13:40 ⬆00:53*
शुक्रः ⬆07:37 ⬇19:36
बुधः ⬇17:18 ⬆04:50*
राहुः ⬇08:02 ⬆19:54
केतुः ⬆08:02 ⬇19:54

  • 🌞⚝भट्टभास्कर-मते वीर्यवन्तः— प्रातः—06:01-07:33; साङ्गवः—09:05-10:37; मध्याह्नः—12:09-13:41; अपराह्णः—15:12-16:44; सायाह्नः—18:16-19:44
  • 🌞⚝सायण-मते वीर्यवन्तः— प्रातः-मु॰1—06:01-06:50; प्रातः-मु॰2—06:50-07:39; साङ्गवः-मु॰2—09:17-10:06; पूर्वाह्णः-मु॰2—11:44-12:33; अपराह्णः-मु॰2—14:11-15:00; सायाह्नः-मु॰2—16:38-17:27; सायाह्नः-मु॰3—17:27-18:16
  • 🌞कालान्तरम्— ब्राह्मं मुहूर्तम्—04:27-05:14; मध्यरात्रिः—22:58-01:19

  • राहुकालः—09:05-10:37; यमघण्टः—13:41-15:12; गुलिककालः—06:01-07:33

  • शूलम्—प्राची (►09:17); परिहारः–दधि


  • अनध्यायः, घाशीरामो हतः #२३३, चॆरुत्तुणै नायऩ्मार् (५४) गुरुपूजै, तिरुच्चॆन्दूर् मुरुगऩ् आवणित् तिरुविऴा 3म् नाळ्—मुरुगऩ् भवऩि, शनि-प्रदोष-व्रतम्


  • 18:16→06:01

When the next day is anadhyayana, for whatever reason, one must not perform adhyayana in the previous night.

श्वोऽनध्यायेऽद्य शर्वर्यां नाधीयीत कदाचन॥
यदा भवेदनध्यायतिथिरुत्तरभागिनी।
तदा पूर्वतिथौ रात्रौ नाधीयीतेति निश्चयः॥


  • References
    • Smriti Muktaphalam SVR p. 148
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  • Tags: Anadhyayana Days

चॆरुत्तुणै नायऩ्मार् (५४) गुरुपूजै

Observed on Puṣyaḥ nakshatra of Siṁhaḥ (sidereal solar) month (Prātaḥ/paraviddha).

Between the 6th and 9th centuries, in South India, there existed 63 ardent devotees of Lord Shiva, collectively known as the Nayanmars. These devout individuals, hailing from various walks of life including potters, fishermen, farmers, merchants, priests, hunters, and washermen, created devotional songs still sung by followers around the globe. Among these Nayanmars, Appar, Sambandar, and Sundarar, known for their Thevaram hymns, along with Manikkavasagar, are distinguished as the Samayacharyas or the ‘The Four’ (nālvar) revered teachers of the faith. They were instrumental in promoting the Shaiva Siddhanta philosophy and culture, effectively challenging the spread of Jainism and Buddhism. Their teachings centered around the concept that Shiva embodies love, and that embracing love for all beings and existence is essential in connecting with Shiva, the Supreme Being.

Kazharsinga Nayanar, a devout follower of Lord Shiva and a Pallava king from the Kadavar lineage, was instrumental in spreading Shaivism by conquering northern kingdoms. During one of his many pilgrimages, he visited the Tiruvarur temple with his queen. While circumambulating the temple, the queen unintentionally smelt a flower fallen on the ground, designated for Lord Shiva’s worship. Seruthunai Nayanar, a dedicated Vellala devotee serving in the temple, saw this as a disrespectful act towards Lord Shiva and impulsively cut off the queen’s nose as a penalty for her indiscretion.

Alarmed by his queen’s cries, King Kazharsinga rushed to the scene. Upon understanding the situation from Seruthunai Nayanmar, who explained the queen’s disrespectful act, the king, adhering to strict devotional principles, further punished the queen by severing her hand that had touched the flower. This extreme act of devotion from both the king and Seruthunai Nayanar was celebrated by the people, and they were showered with celestial flowers as a mark of divine approval. Both Kazharsinga Nayanar and Seruthunai Nayanar earned the grace of Lord Shiva for their unwavering devotion.


  • References
    • 63 Nayanmar Saints by Swami Sivananda, published by The Divine Life Society
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  • Tags: NayanmarGurupujai

घाशीरामो हतः #२३३

Event occured on 1791-08-31 (gregorian).

On this day, the kotwal of puNe, ghAshIrAm Savaldas, a kAnyakubja brAhmaNa, was stoned to death by other brAhmaNa-s in vengence for the death of 21 tailanga brAhmaNas because of being locked up in a suffocating tunnel for an entire day and night.


Many brAhmaNas were in town for daxiNA. A curfew was in place, which some violated and allegedly indulged in rioting and unruly behavior. 35 were locked up. The prisoners remained in the cell for an entire day and a night and on the third morning, (an eminent chief named) Manaji Phakde (a cousin of Mahadji Sindia) was passing that way, when he heard noises. He then informed nAna of the tragedy.

Peshwa mAdhava rAv, who was just coming of age, summoned Nana and asked how ghAshIrAm should be punished. As news spread, over a thousand Brahmins gathered outside Nana’s house. Nana sent (the chief judge) Ayya Shastri to meet them, but he was assaulted and his clothes torn off. Nana ordered the arrest of the kotwal (who had by now earned a reputation for tyranny). Peshwa ordered him dead. He was taken out of town, let loose and left to the mercy of the Brahmins following the procession.


तिरुच्चॆन्दूर् मुरुगऩ् आवणित् तिरुविऴा 3म् नाळ्—मुरुगऩ् भवऩि

The Tiruchendur Brahmotsavam of Avani each year is very special. The festival is conducted for twelve days. This marks the third day of the festival, when there is a procession.



  • 18:16→19:44

Pradosha Vratam. Fast during the day and perform śivapūjā in Pradosha Kala. Pradosha vratam is even more special, when if falls on a Saturday.

प्रदोषे शिवपूजां तु ये कुर्याच्छ्रद्धया युताः।
न भवेत् तस्य दारिद्र्यं जन्मान्तरशतेष्वपि॥
त्रयोदश्यां दिवा स्थित्वा निराहारो महेश्वर।
नक्तं भोक्ष्यामि देवेश त्राहि मां कृपया हर॥

विश्वं विष्णू रुद्र विश्वाधिकोऽसि
यज्ञो विष्णुस्त्वं तु राजाध्वराणाम्।
श्रीशस्वर्णाद्री आत्महस्ताग्रसंस्थौ
श्रीकण्ठोऽव्याद् देवताब्राह्मणोऽस्मान्॥
हालाहलं हर नियम्य परानियाम्यं
सर्वान् सुरान् सपदि यः स्वनतानरक्षत्।
दृप्तानशिक्षत पुनर्युधि दक्षयज्ञे
स त्वं प्रभुः पशुपतिः प्रभुलक्षणोऽव्याः॥
गङ्गा धृता न भवता शिव पावनीति
नास्वादितो मधुर इत्यपि कालकूटः।
संरक्षणाय जगतां करुणातिरेकात्
कर्मद्वयं कलितमेतदनन्यसाध्यम्॥
गङ्गा धृता त्वयेशान गङ्गादर्पोऽपि नाशितः।
भगीरथानुग्रहार्थं लोकासम्भेदहेतवे॥
