

श्रावणः-05-30 ,सिंहः-मघा🌛🌌 , सिंहः-पूर्वफल्गुनी-05-17🌞🌌 , नभस्यः-06-11🌞🪐 , सोमः

  • Indian civil date: 1946-06-11, Islamic: 1446-02-27 Ṣafar, 🌌🌞: सं- सिंहः, तं- आवणि, म- चिङ्ङं, प- भादों, अ- भाद
  • संवत्सरः - क्रोधी
  • वर्षसङ्ख्या 🌛- शकाब्दः 1946, विक्रमाब्दः 2081, कलियुगे 5125

  • 🪐🌞ऋतुमानम् — वर्षऋतुः दक्षिणायनम्
  • 🌌🌞सौरमानम् — वर्षऋतुः दक्षिणायनम्
  • 🌛चान्द्रमानम् — वर्षऋतुः श्रावणः (≈नभः)


  • |🌞-🌛|तिथिः — अमावास्या►
  • 🌌🌛नक्षत्रम् — मघा►24:17!; पूर्वफल्गुनी► (सिंहः)
  • 🌌🌞सौर-नक्षत्रम् — पूर्वफल्गुनी►
    • राशि-मासः — श्रावणः►

  • 🌛+🌞योगः — शिवः►18:15; सिद्धः►
  • २|🌛-🌞|करणम् — चतुष्पात्►18:21; नाग►
  • 🌌🌛- चन्द्राष्टम-राशिः—मकरः
  • 🌞-🪐 अमूढग्रहाः - मङ्गलः (71.75° → 72.11°), शुक्रः (-24.20° → -24.45°), शनिः (173.55° → 174.59°), गुरुः (80.90° → 81.76°), बुधः (17.45° → 17.78°)

शनि — कुम्भः►. गुरु — वृषभः►. मङ्गल — मिथुनम्►. शुक्र — कन्या►. बुध — कर्कटः►. राहु — मीनः►. केतु — कन्या►.


  • 🌅—06:01-12:08🌞-18:15🌇
चन्द्रः ⬇17:54 ⬆05:58*
शनिः ⬇06:27 ⬆18:35
गुरुः ⬇12:56 ⬆00:09*
मङ्गलः ⬇13:37 ⬆00:50*
शुक्रः ⬆07:39 ⬇19:36
बुधः ⬇17:14 ⬆04:47*
राहुः ⬇07:53 ⬆19:46
केतुः ⬆07:53 ⬇19:46

  • 🌞⚝भट्टभास्कर-मते वीर्यवन्तः— प्रातः—06:01-07:33; साङ्गवः—09:04-10:36; मध्याह्नः—12:08-13:40; अपराह्णः—15:11-16:43; सायाह्नः—18:15-19:43
  • 🌞⚝सायण-मते वीर्यवन्तः— प्रातः-मु॰1—06:01-06:50; प्रातः-मु॰2—06:50-07:39; साङ्गवः-मु॰2—09:17-10:06; पूर्वाह्णः-मु॰2—11:43-12:32; अपराह्णः-मु॰2—14:10-14:59; सायाह्नः-मु॰2—16:37-17:26; सायाह्नः-मु॰3—17:26-18:15
  • 🌞कालान्तरम्— ब्राह्मं मुहूर्तम्—04:27-05:14; मध्यरात्रिः—22:57-01:19

  • राहुकालः—07:33-09:04; यमघण्टः—10:36-12:08; गुलिककालः—13:40-15:11

  • शूलम्—प्राची (►09:17); परिहारः–दधि


  • अनध्यायः, इळैयाऩ्कुडि माऱ नायऩ्मार् (४) गुरुपूजै, तिरुच्चॆन्दूर् मुरुगऩ् आवणित् तिरुविऴा 5म् नाळ्, देवी-पर्व-५, पञ्च-पर्व-पूजा (अमावास्या), पार्वणव्रतम् अमावास्यायाम्, वृषभ-पूजा, सर्व-श्रावण-अमावास्या (अलभ्यम्–पुष्कला), सोमवती अमावास्या, ६४ योगिनी-पूजा

६४ योगिनी-पूजा

Observed on Amāvāsyā tithi of Śrāvaṇaḥ (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).



Observed on Amāvāsyā tithi of every (lunar) month (Sāṅgavaḥ/paraviddha).

Anadhyayana on account of amāvāsyā. Several tithis in a month are nitya-anadhyayana days, including prathamā, aṣṭamī, chaturdaśī, amāvāsyā and pūrṇimā. Manu has said that performing adhyayana on these days destroys the Guru (Amavasya), Shishya (Chaturdashi) and the vīrya of the brahma (vēda) itself (Ashtami/Purnima). Similarly, Jabali Rishi has said that Adhyayana on prathama hurts the buddhi while adhyayana on chaturdaśī hurts the brahma (vēda) itself!

प्रतिपत्सु चतुर्दश्यामष्टम्यां पर्वणोर्द्वयोः।
श्वोऽनध्यायेऽद्य शर्वर्यां नाधीयीत कदाचन॥
अमावास्या गुरुं हन्ति शिष्यं हन्ति चतुर्दशी।
ब्रह्माष्टकापौर्णमास्यस्तस्मात्ताः परिवर्जयेदिति॥
पञ्चदश्यां चतुर्दश्यां अष्टम्यां राहुसूतके।


  • References
    • Smriti Muktaphalam SVR p. 148
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  • Tags: Anadhyayana Days


Observed on Amāvāsyā tithi of Śrāvaṇaḥ (lunar) month (Āśvinaḥ/paraviddha).


इळैयाऩ्कुडि माऱ नायऩ्मार् (४) गुरुपूजै

Observed on Maghā nakshatra of Siṁhaḥ (sidereal solar) month (Prātaḥ/paraviddha).

Between the 6th and 9th centuries, in South India, there existed 63 ardent devotees of Lord Shiva, collectively known as the Nayanmars. These devout individuals, hailing from various walks of life including potters, fishermen, farmers, merchants, priests, hunters, and washermen, created devotional songs still sung by followers around the globe. Among these Nayanmars, Appar, Sambandar, and Sundarar, known for their Thevaram hymns, along with Manikkavasagar, are distinguished as the Samayacharyas or the ‘The Four’ (nālvar) revered teachers of the faith. They were instrumental in promoting the Shaiva Siddhanta philosophy and culture, effectively challenging the spread of Jainism and Buddhism. Their teachings centered around the concept that Shiva embodies love, and that embracing love for all beings and existence is essential in connecting with Shiva, the Supreme Being.

The 4th of the Nayanmars was Ilayankudi Mara Nayanmar, a farmer named Maranar from the village of Ilayankudi. He was a devout follower of Lord Shiva and His devotees. He practiced Maaheswara Puja, a form of worship involving honouring and serving Lord Shiva’s devotees with utmost reverence, as if serving the Lord Himself. This included welcoming devotees, washing their feet, offering them food, and treating them with great respect and kindness.

Though Nayanmar was blessed with wealth, he believed his riches were meant to serve the Lord’s devotees. His devotion remained steadfast even as his wealth dwindled. Eventually, he sold all his possessions and even himself to continue serving the devotees.

One rainy day, with no food at home, Nayanmar and his wife were visited by a Shiva Bhakta. Despite their own hunger, they welcomed the devotee warmly. Nayanmar’s wife suggested gathering the grain-seeds they had recently sown to prepare a meal. After they fed the devotee and Nayanmar went to check on him, he found the devotee had vanished. Instead, Lord Shiva and Mother Parvathy appeared in the sky, revealing that the devotee was Lord Shiva in disguise. They blessed Nayanmar and his wife for their unwavering devotion and promised them eternal life in the divine abode. This story exemplifies the profound impact of selfless service and devotion to the Supreme and His devotees.


  • References
    • 63 Nayanmar Saints by Swami Sivananda, published by The Divine Life Society
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  • Tags: NayanmarGurupujai

पार्वणव्रतम् अमावास्यायाम्

pārvaṇavratam on the eve of darśa-sthālīpākaḥ.


पक्षान्ता उपवस्तव्याः, पक्षादयो ऽभियष्टव्याः। किञ्च - ‘अथापराह्ण एवाप्लुत्यौपवसथिकं दम्पती भुञ्जीयातां यद् एनयोः काम्यं स्यात्- सर्पिर् मिश्रं स्यात् कुशलेन’।

‘अबहुवादी स्यात्। सत्यं विवदिषेत्। अध एवैतां रात्रिं शयीयाताम्। तौ खलु जाग्रन्-मिश्राव् एवैतां रात्रिं विहरेयाताम् इतिहास-मिश्रेण वा केनचिद् वा। जुगुप्सेयातां त्व् एवाव्रत्येभ्यः कर्मभ्यः।’

परेद्युर् होमाय सम्भारसम्भरणादयो व्यवस्थाः कार्याः।

प्रायश्चित्तार्थम् अपि किञ्चद् व्रतम्

“पर्वणि वा तिलभक्ष उपोष्य वा श्वोभूत उदकमुपस्पृश्य सावित्रीं प्राणायामशः सहस्रकृत्व आवर्तयेद् अप्राणायामशो वा” इत्य् आपस्तम्बधर्मसूत्रेषु।


पञ्च-पर्व-पूजा (अमावास्या)

Observed on Amāvāsyā tithi of every (lunar) month (Āśvinaḥ/paraviddha).


सोमवती अमावास्या

amāvāsyā on a Monday is as sacred as a solar eclipse. Particularly good for performing pradakshinam of Pippala tree.

अमावस्या तु सोमेन सप्तमी भानुना सह।
चतुर्थी भूमिपुत्रेण सोमपुत्रेण चाष्टमी।
चतस्रस्तिथयस्त्वेताः सूर्यग्रहणसन्निभाः॥

मूलतो ब्रह्मरूपाय मध्यतो विष्णुरूपिणे।
अग्रतः शिवरूपाय वृक्षराजाय ते नमः॥
अक्षिस्पन्दं भुजस्पन्दं दुःस्वप्नं दुर्विचिन्तनम्।
शत्रूणां च समुत्पन्नम् अश्वत्थ शमयस्व मे॥

दुःस्वप्नं दुष्टचिन्तां च दुष्टज्वरपराभवान्।
विलयं नय पापानि पिप्पल त्वं हरिप्रिय॥
—स्कन्दपुराणे नागरखण्डे
सोमवत्या अमायास्तु व्रतं कृत्वा सती भवेत्।
पतिपुत्रधनैः पूर्णा जन्मजन्मनि निश्चितम्॥
विधवा चेत् करोतीदं न पुनर्विधवा क्वचित्।
तस्मात्स्त्रिया सुभगया कर्तव्यं खलु तद् व्रतम्॥
अत्र मासनियमो नास्ति। यदा कदा सोमवारयुक्ताऽमा भवेत् तदैव सोमवतीयोगः। अयं दिनान्तर्गत एव कर्तव्यः।


सर्व-श्रावण-अमावास्या (अलभ्यम्–पुष्कला)

amāvāsyā of śrāvaṇa month


It is said in the Smrtis, that if Amavasya falls on a Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, such a tithi is given the appellation puṣkalā and is as sacred as a solar eclipse.

अमा सोमेन भौमेन गुरुणा वा युता यदि।
सा तिथिः पुष्कला नाम सूर्यग्रहणसन्निभा॥


तिरुच्चॆन्दूर् मुरुगऩ् आवणित् तिरुविऴा 5म् नाळ्

The Tiruchendur Brahmotsavam of Avani each year is very special. The festival is conducted for twelve days. This marks the fifth day of the festival.



Observed on Amāvāsyā tithi of Śrāvaṇaḥ (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).

Vrushabha puja; Nandi born to Shilaada on this day
