
चैत्रः-01-01 , मीनः-रेवती🌛🌌 , मीनः-रेवती-12-19🌞🌌 , मधुः-01-13🌞🪐 , शनिः

  • Indian civil date: 1944-01-12, Islamic: 1443-08-29 Shaʿbān, 🌌🌞: सं- मीनः, तं- पङ्गुनि, म- मीनं, प- चेत, अ- च’त
  • संवत्सरः 🌛- शुभकृत्, 🌌🌞- प्लवः, 🪐🌞- शुभकृत्
  • वर्षसङ्ख्या 🌛- शकाब्दः 1944, विक्रमाब्दः 2079, कलियुगे 5123
  • वर्षसङ्ख्या 🌌🌞- शकाब्दः 1943, विक्रमाब्दः 2078, कलियुगे 5122
  • वर्षसङ्ख्या 🪐🌞 - शकाब्दः 1944, विक्रमाब्दः 2079, कलियुगे 5123

  • 🪐🌞ऋतुमानम् — वसन्तऋतुः उत्तरायणम्
  • 🌌🌞सौरमानम् — शिशिरऋतुः उत्तरायणम्
  • 🌛चान्द्रमानम् — वसन्तऋतुः चैत्रः


  • |🌞-🌛|तिथिः — शुक्ल-प्रथमा►11:58; शुक्ल-द्वितीया►
  • 🌌🌛नक्षत्रम् — रेवती►11:19; अश्विनी► (मेषः)
  • 🌌🌞सौर-नक्षत्रम् — रेवती►
    • राशि-मासः — फाल्गुनः►

  • 🌛+🌞योगः — इन्द्रः►08:27; वैधृतिः►
  • २|🌛-🌞|करणम् — बवः►11:58; बालवः►24:14*; कौलवः►
  • 🌌🌛- चन्द्राष्टम-राशिः—कन्या

  • 🌞-🪐 मूढग्रहाः - बुधः (0.98° → -0.07°)
  • 🌞-🪐 अमूढग्रहाः - शुक्रः (46.10° → 46.03°), शनैश्चरः (50.13° → 51.03°), मङ्गलः (52.16° → 52.39°), गुरुः (20.73° → 21.48°)


  • 🌅सूर्योदयः—06:18-12:23🌞️-18:27🌇
  • 🌛चन्द्रोदयः—06:50; चन्द्रास्तमयः—19:32

  • 🌞⚝भट्टभास्कर-मते वीर्यवन्तः— प्रातः—06:18-07:50; साङ्गवः—09:21-10:52; मध्याह्नः—12:23-13:54; अपराह्णः—15:25-16:56; सायाह्नः—18:27-19:56
  • 🌞⚝सायण-मते वीर्यवन्तः— प्रातः-मु॰1—06:18-07:07; प्रातः-मु॰2—07:07-07:56; साङ्गवः-मु॰2—09:33-10:21; पूर्वाह्णः-मु॰2—11:59-12:47; अपराह्णः-मु॰2—14:24-15:13; सायाह्नः-मु॰2—16:50-17:39; सायाह्नः-मु॰3—17:39-18:27
  • 🌞कालान्तरम्— ब्राह्मं मुहूर्तम्—04:44-05:31; मध्यरात्रिः—23:12-01:34

  • राहुकालः—09:21-10:52; यमघण्टः—13:54-15:25; गुलिककालः—06:18-07:50

  • शूलम्—प्राची (►09:33); परिहारः–दधि


  • चन्द्र-दर्शनम्, नादिरशाहेन देहल्यां लोकहत्या #२८३, भीमरथी-अन्त्य-पुष्कर-आरम्भः, युगादिः/चान्द्रमान-संवत्सरारम्भः, वसन्तनवरात्र-आरम्भः, वैधृति-श्राद्धम्


Coming from Brahma’s Kamandalu, Pushkara Raja resides in different rivers, along with 3.5 crore tirthas, following the Sankranti of Guru, for twelve days at the beginning of the Sankranti (ādi puṣkaram) and at the end of the year (preceding transition to the next rāśī, antya puṣkaram), and for two muhurtas during mid-day, every day, during the entire year. Following the transition of Guru to kumbha rāśī, puṣkararāja resides in bhīmarathī river.

यदा राशि-प्रवेशः स्यात्तदा प्रभृति सर्वदा।
द्वादशाहमिते काले वस्तव्यं तु ममाऽऽज्ञया॥
आवत्सरं तु वस्तव्यं मध्याह्ने द्विमुहूर्तकम्।
अन्ते द्वादश वस्तव्यं दिनानि च यथासुखम्॥



  • 18:27→19:32

Have darshan of Moon today, chanting the following shloka

श्वेताम्बरः श्वेतविभूषणश्च
श्वेतद्युतिर्दण्डधरो द्विबाहुः।
चन्द्रोऽमृतात्मा वरदः किरीटी
मयि प्रसादं विदधातु देवः॥


नादिरशाहेन देहल्यां लोकहत्या #२८३

Event occured on 1739-04-02 (gregorian). Julian date was converted to Gregorian in this reckoning.

9 AM: It was the morning of Holi. A massacre, horrific beyond any description, breaks out on the streets of Delhi (started by nAdir shAh). When it ended several hours later, tens of thousands of corpses lay on the streets. Estimates range from 30000-80000.


The city administrator attempted to fix prices at a lower level and Afsharid troops were sent to the market at Paharganj, Delhi to enforce them. However, the local merchants refused to accept the lower prices and this resulted in violence during which some Afsharid troops were assaulted and killed. When a rumour spread that Nader had been assassinated by a female guard at the Red Fort, some Indians attacked and killed 3,000 Afsharid troops during the riots that broke out on the night of 21 March. (Source: Wikipedia)


On the morning of 22 March, the Shah rode out in full armour and took a seat at the Sunehri Masjid of Roshan-ud-dowla near the Kotwali Chabutra in the middle of Chandni Chowk. He then, to the accompaniment of the rolling of drums and the blaring of trumpets, unsheathed his great battle sword in a grand flourish to the great and loud acclaim and wild cheers of the Afsharid troops present. This was the signal to start the onslaught and carnage. Almost immediately, the fully armed Afsharid army of occupation turned their swords and guns on to the unarmed and defenceless civilians in the city. The Afsharid soldiers were given full licence to do as they pleased and promised a share of the wealth as the city was plundered. (Source: Wikipedia)


Areas of Delhi such as Chandni Chowk and Dariba Kalan, Fatehpuri, Faiz Bazar, Hauz Kazi, Johri Bazar and the Lahori, Ajmeri and Kabuli gates, all of which were densely populated by both Hindus and Muslims, were soon covered with corpses. People resorted to killing their women, children and themselves rather than submit to the Afsharid soldiers. Some 10,000 women and children were taken slaves, according to a representative of the Dutch East India Company in Delhi.

Finally, after many hours of desperate pleading by the Mughals for mercy, Nader Shah relented and signalled a halt to the bloodshed by sheathing his battle sword once again. Bodies of the victims were simply buried in mass burial pits or cremated in grand funeral pyres.


The city was sacked for several days. An enormous fine of 20 million rupees was levied on the people of Delhi. Muhammad Shah handed over the keys to the royal treasury, and lost the Peacock Throne, Koh-i-Noor and Darya-i-Noor diamonds to Nader Shah. Nader’s army took roughly 120 billion US dollars in purchasing power today from Delhi back to Persia. It took 20,000 mules and 20,000 camels to carry off the treasure. On Nader’s return to Iran, Sikhs fell upon his army and seized a large amount of booty and freed the slaves in captivity and Nader’s army could not pursue them successfully as they were oppressed by the terrible heat of May, and being overloaded with booty. But, still the plunder seized from Delhi was so much that Nader stopped taxation in Persia for a period of three years following his return.

Nader Shah was assassinated in 1747.



Observed on every occurrence of Vaidhr̥tiḥ yoga (Aparāhṇaḥ/vyaapti).

Vaidhrti Shraddha day.



Observed on Śukla-Prathamā tithi of Caitraḥ (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).

शरत्काले महापूजा क्रियते या च वार्षिकी।
वसन्तकाले सा प्रोक्ता कार्या सर्वैः शुभार्थिभिः॥
—मार्कण्डेय-पुराणम् (स्मृतिकौस्तुभे)



Observed on Śukla-Prathamā tithi of Caitraḥ (lunar) month (Sūryōdayaḥ/puurvaviddha).
